How to create a network in BCOS?

Understand how to create a network in the BCOS environment.

Luiz Fernando Justino Silva avatar
Escrito por Luiz Fernando Justino Silva
Updated over a week ago

Setting up a network

  Networks are a set of interconnected devices whose main objective is to carry digital data with each other. To create virtual machines in the Binario Cloud Operating System, you must first create and configure one or more networks.

  With access to the BCOS environment you can already perform the initial network configuration to create your instances, if you still do not know how to access the environment visit the previous post How to access the BCOS environment?.

  To create and configure a network, go to Project / Network / Networks and click in Create Network, then enter the network name, keep Create subnet and Enable administrative state checked and click in Next:


  • Network name: network-production.

  • Create subnet: Keep the option checked.

  • Enable Admin state: Keep the option checked. 

In the following tab, enter a name for the subnet, enter the gateway's network and IP address, then click in Next:


  •  Subnet Name: subrede-production.

  •  Nework Address:

  •  Gateway IP:

 In the following tab, keep the default settings and click in Create:

  There, the first network was created, you can view it in Project / Network / Networks:

 With the created network we can allow access to external network through a router, in How to create and configure a router in BCOS?  You will see how to establish this connection.

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