How to share folders to Windows instances in BCOS?

Learn how to share folders and files on Windows instances within the BCOS environment.

Luiz Fernando Justino Silva avatar
Escrito por Luiz Fernando Justino Silva
Updated over a week ago

In the presvious post How to apply volumes to Windows instances in BCOS? we learned how to create and attach volumes on Windows instances.

To start the process of sharing folders and files we have to follow these steps:
Access a Windows instance > Select a volume attached  > Within this volume create a new folder.

Right click on the created folder, select the option Share with > Specific people. Share with everyone with read and write permissions as in the example below.

Note: If you don't have a Windows instance in your environment and don't know how to create a look at our tutorial How to create and access Windows instances in BCOS  And if you don't know how to create and attach a volume visit our tutorial How to apply volumes to Windows instances in BCOS? .

Now you need to create a new Security Group so, in Project/Network/Security Groups  click in Create Security Group, then type a name for the security group and click Create Security Group:


Name: Windows-SHARING.

After creating the group, click Manage Rules on the action button, select the two existing rules and click Delete Rules, confirm the deletion by clicking again on Delete Rules.


You now need to create a new rule for the group, To do so, click Add Rule, in Rule select the rule that allows Custom UDP, fill in and click Add:


  • Rule: Custom UDP Rule.

  • Direction: Ingress.

  • Open Port: Port Range.

  • From Port: 135.

  • To Port: 139.

  • Remote: CIDR.

  • CIDR: 

We will also add a TCP rule and one more UPD rule, for that, click Add Rule, under Rule, select the rule that allows custom TCP / custom UPD, populate and click Add:


  • Rule: Custom TCP Rule.

  • Direction: Ingress.

  • Open Ports: Ports.

  • Port: 445

  • Remote: CIDR.

  • CIDR: 

  • Rule: Custom UDP Rule.

  • Directioon: Ingress.

  • Open Port: Ports.

  • Port: 445

  • Remote: CIDR.

  • CIDR: 

After the rule is created, under Project / Compute / Instances, with no action button on the right, the instance name should edit Edit Security Groups, then remove the previously created Security Group and click Save.

Now let's map the shared folder on our physical machine using the selected server's output IP and the name of the created folder.

If all goes well make a test by creating a file inside the mapped drive, then go to the server and make sure the file is in the shared folder.


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